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Ounces (oz) and milliliters (ml) are both units of volume measurement. Ounces are commonly used in the United States, while milliliters are used in most other countries. Converting between the two units can be useful in various situations, such as cooking, medicine, or science experiments. In this article, we will explain how to convert 5 ounces (oz) to milliliters (ml) using a simple conversion formula.


To convert 5 ounces to milliliters, we need to know the conversion factor between the two units. The conversion factor is the number we use to multiply the number of ounces to get the equivalent number of milliliters. The conversion factor between ounces and milliliters is 1 oz = 29.5735 ml.


The formula to convert 5 ounces to milliliters is:

5 oz x 29.5735 ml/oz = 147.868 ml

Therefore, 5 ounces is equivalent to 147.868 milliliters.


In the formula, we start by multiplying the number of ounces (5 oz) by the conversion factor (29.5735 ml/oz). The conversion factor tells us how many milliliters there are in one ounce. By multiplying the two numbers, we get the equivalent number of milliliters for 5 ounces.

In this case, 5 ounces x 29.5735 ml/oz = 147.868 ml. Therefore, 5 ounces is equivalent to 147.868 milliliters.


Converting between ounces and milliliters can be helpful in many different situations, from cooking to medicine to science experiments. To convert 5 ounces to milliliters, we multiply 5 ounces by the conversion factor of 29.5735 ml/oz. This gives us the equivalent number of milliliters, which is 147.868 ml. With this simple formula, we can easily convert between these two units of volume measurement.

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