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Elementary Results in Random Matrix Theory

In Blog
On September 27, 2022
Random Matrix A random matrix is defined as any matric which holds random such as square, correlational or symmetric entries, could be drawn from ‘any number of probability distribution’. A random matrix is simply an N x N matrix in which elements are taken from...

Linear Programming Problems (LPP)

In Blog
On September 26, 2022
Linear Programming, also knows as linear optimization is considered as a process which brings best possible solution to the mathematical model with the help of certain linear relationships. Linear programming deals with the constrained problems of increasing profits, decreasing costs, reasonable use of resources and...

Why Do We Need Mathematics in Medicine?

In Blog
On September 20, 2022
The word ‘mathematics’ has been derived from the Greek word, ‘mathemata’ which means the ‘subject of study’, is one of the most ancient types of knowledge known to mankind. It was primarily invented, since the Old Stone Age, to solve the practical problems with the...
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