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120 ML TO OZ



When dealing with different measurement systems, converting between them is important for various purposes. For instance, converting milliliters (ml) to fluid ounces (oz) is necessary when cooking, baking or when dealing with liquids for medication or scientific experiments. In this article, we will look at how to convert 120 ml to oz by following the given instructions.


In order to convert 120 ml to oz, we need to know the conversion factor between these two units. One fluid ounce is equivalent to 29.5735 milliliters, while one milliliter is equal to 0.033814 fluid ounces. Therefore, we can use either of the following formulas to convert 120 ml to oz:

Formula 1: oz = ml / 29.5735

Formula 2: oz = ml * 0.033814

Using formula 1, we can plug in the value of 120 ml and get:

oz = 120 / 29.5735

oz = 4.0573

Therefore, 120 ml is equal to 4.0573 fluid ounces (rounded to four decimal places).

Using formula 2, we can plug in the value of 120 ml and get:

oz = 120 * 0.033814

oz = 4.0577

Therefore, 120 ml is equal to 4.0577 fluid ounces (rounded to four decimal places).

The results from both formulas are slightly different due to rounding errors, but they are close enough for most practical purposes.


To summarize, the formula for converting milliliters to fluid ounces is:

oz = ml / 29.5735

oz = ml * 0.033814

where oz is the number of fluid ounces and ml is the number of milliliters.


In conclusion, converting 120 ml to oz is a simple process that involves multiplying the number of milliliters by the conversion factor. Knowing the conversion factor between these two units is essential for accurate and efficient conversions. It is important to note that different countries may have different units for measuring volume, so it is always a good idea to double-check the units being used before making any conversions. Additionally, it is crucial to pay attention to significant figures and round off the results appropriately, depending on the level of precision required for a particular application.





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