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Author: Admin

Regardless of the age, grade or degree, mathematics could be challenging at times no matter if you’re learning arithmetic, geometry, fractions, algebra or children learning times tables. However, the important thing is the subject has its hacks and tricks to hijack, helpful in tackling tough...
Mathematical Thinking The concept of mathematical thinking is flexibly different from the mainstream learning techniques used by children such as rote learning or memorizing the formulae and concepts without knowing their practical implications. As it is said, “problem solving is the heart of mathematics”, mathematical...

What are the Branches of Mathematics?

On September 6, 2022

According to Merriam Webster, “Mathematics is defined as the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations and.


11 Ways to Survive the Math Blues

In Blog
On September 2, 2022
“Math Blues”, in slang, refers to the state of sadness or anxiety caused by the rigorous requirement of the course due to which learner may feel frustrated and may go hard on himself in order to perform well. In the current high-tech world, mathematics is...
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